Furniture factory «NIKAN GROUP» LLC has a long-term history of success, reliability, experience and authority on the markets of both Ukraine and Europe.
The factory is situated in the central-west region of Ukraine. We manufacture furniture for schools and pre-school institutions, libraries, audience and office premises and also often work as a contractor partner for other companies and factories. The main specialization of the factory – manufacture of products consisting of chipboard, metal frame and natural wood. We have the equipment for high-quality photo printing and engraving of products. All our production lines are equipped with modern machinery of Homag, BIESSE, Panasonic, SCM companies and also another.
Today we have a catalogue of ready-made solutions for schools and kindergartens. Besides, our company is ready to become a contractor for other companies and manufacture series-produced furniture according to drawings and needs. Also, we are ready to design a line of furniture in accordance to Your requests.
Here are the advantages of cooperation with us:
1. High quality and environmental friendliness of products, which is confirmed by certificates of quality and conformity, conclusions of sanitary and hygienic examinations, etc.
2. Affordable prices and a large assortment of products, readiness to work according to customer requests.
3. Professional technical -design department with 20 years of work experience.
4. The experience of export and work with European customers around 10 years.
5. The production period does not exceed 1-1.5 months
«NIKAN» LLC has a representative office in Poznan (Poland), which acts as European guarantor of quality and responsibility.
We take care of the health of our children, that is the reason why our furniture is safe, high-quality and ecological.